Wednesday, July 15, 2009


A week of sailing up and down the Florida coast, a weekend of climbing up a thousand feet or so of rock, what could possibly keep the excitement streak alive? How about fourth row tickets to Coldplay courtesy of Mix 106.5? Sounds good to me!

Either fourth row seats make a show a lot better, or Coldplay is just awesome. This was probably the best show I have ever been to (although people getting lit on fire at Rammstein still brings back fond memories). The Coldplay guys all looked like they were having as much fun playing as I was watching. I was also incredibly impressed by how nice they were and how much they appreciated the fans. I also didn’t know they were all so talented. Chris, the singer, also plays the piano and the guitar. Johnny, the guitarist, also sings and plays keyboards, Will plays drums, sings, and plays the guitar, and Guy plays bass and sings.

They also did a lot of cool things for the show. They released a ton of glowing butterfly confetti for one song, and for Yellow they dropped huge yellow confetti filled balloons that everyone tossed around. At one point Chris was about three feet away on the stage and some girl touched his hand and went crazy. It was pretty entertaining to watch!

And if a great show isn’t enough for you, they also gave everyone free CDs with nine live tracks. I was pretty impressed with that because it makes perfect sense from a business standpoint. Anyone can go online and download your music for free, but you can’t just go to an awesome show for free, oh, what a sec…

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